
Monday, 10 September 2012

Helfa Gelf Open Studios.

The Old Goods Yard will be open every weekend in September as part of the Helfa Gelf Arts Trail.  Do come round for a chat and to see the artists working in their spaces.  There is tea and coffee, interactive art and some beautiful and original work for sale.

Saturday, 1 September 2012

One Human Seven Hurdles. Collaboration with Jelili Atiku

On the 12th August, 2012, the fantastic Jelili Atiku came to visit TOGYG, the artist group run by Bangor Greadigol, based at The Old Goodsyard, Treborth.  Jelili inspired us all with his enthusiasm and pulled performance pieces from even the most reticent of us. A true collaboration, where each artist expressed their individuality while still remaining but one part of a group.

Andrew Agace flew his plane.......

Richard Houghton de-constructed........

Lisa Hudson made marks..........

Jaci Atkinson created enery........

Femke van Gent made waves..........

Jo Alexander protected..........

Wanda Zyborska emerged........

Jelili Atiku spread blessings and love to the winds...... 

A fantastic day was had by all, as the artists ended the day with a beautiful barbeque and lovely atmosphere.
Thanks to all who came.