
Saturday, 26 March 2011

Coleg Menai Student Show. April 2010

April 2010 the Dr China Shop was taken over by second year students from Coleg Menai as part of their professional practice module.  The three students publicised and hung the exhibition themselves , which ran for three weeks showing work by Nia Hughes, Linda Jones, Jacqueline Leggat.  All the projects explored the theme of Bangor, Jaqueline through the medium of Maps, Linda by exploring the dockyards and family history, and Nia through the fashions and cultures on the streets.

Jaqueline Leggat

Linda Jones

Nia Hughes

Bangor Greadigol Presents.......Colour Febuary to Aprli 2010.

To celebrate Spring, the old Dr China shop became awash with colour in Febuary, with works by        Sevan Garo Nigogosian, Gethin Wavell, Peter Holloway and Maxine Hendy.  All the works sued colour in exciting and vibrant pieces that radiated warth into the cold commercial surroundings. On March 28th, Sevan came and gave a fascinating talk about his working practice.

(left to right) Gethin Wavell, Peter Holloway, Gethin Wavell
Sculptures by Maxine Hendy

Paintings by Sevan Garo Nigogosian

Sunday, 20 March 2011

Things Fall Down

Things Fall Down, Andrew Agace and friends.  Feb '09

Artist Andrew Agace occupied the Dr China shop in the Deiniol Centre for 3 weeks for his project "Things Fall Down"  On the first day, Andrew received delivery of many random suitcases containing miscellaneous objects.  For the following weeks, helped by friends, these objects became constantly evolving artworks.  As things fall down, new things are born from the chaos.

Bangor Greadigol Presents ......II

Bangor  Greadigol presents .....II
Work by Wendy Mayer, Harri Challis Jones, Jo Alexander,
Julie Gritten and Wanda Zyborska.
09 to Jan 10
The second show in the Deiniol Centre certainly caused a stir.  A disturbing dark presence lurks with a group of eerily real looking wax dollies, a baby mermaid in a jar. and twelve baby Jesus's on special offer for only 30 pieces of silver.  The Mayor of Bangor stood bofore a display cabinet housing Wendy Mayer's "Little Ballerina aged 84" whilst turning on the christmas lights, sparking letters of complaint about the piece.  In equal measure, comments of support and excitement came pouring in...

"Presence" by Wanda Zyborska
reclaimed inner tubes

The exhibition in the Deiniol Centre

"Hares" by Jo Alexander, "Presence" by Wanda Zyborska, "Bad Teddy" by Wendy Mayer

Hares by Jo Alexander
Oil on board

Paper Chain Dolls by Wendy Mayer
Wax and Paper Mache

Bangor Greadigol Presents.....the first exhibition.

09 to Nov 09
Bangor Greadigol Presents.Sept
Work by Ann Alexander, Sheila Jones, Jain Koffler, Lisa Hudson and Louvainne Vickers, Jaci Atkinson

Our first show in the empty Dr China Shop in the Deiniol Shopping Centre, Bangor, Gwynedd.  It was very exciting, as we had been working for months to secure a shop, then all of a sudden, the good people at the Deiniol Centre offered us an empty unit, rent free and wanted something in it NOW!!!  The race was on to turn an old Chinese medicine shop into a professional looking art gallery in two weeks, with £0 budget.  Watch the exhibition come together on you tube at

Exciting work by 6 emerging local artists stopped shoppers in their tracks.

"Hedgerow" by Ann Alexander
Charcoal on paper 

"Babylon Birds" by Lisa Hudson
Fabric, Wire, Resin, Found objects

"Boat" by Jaci Atkinson
Wood, found metal

"Untitled" by Jain Koffler
Acrylic and Collage on Canvas

"Untitled" by Louvainne Vickers
Acrylic on Canvas

"Blackbird" by Sheila Jones
Oil on Canvas

About Bangor Greadigol

Bangor Greadigol grew in response to the perceived dilemma of empty shops and the threat to town centres represented by the current recession and changes in buying habits. In the short term we want to fill unused spaces with exhibitions, performances and happenings, and in the long term we want to be part of the development of the cultural and aesthetic life of the city. Although the city is in crisis at present, there have always been empty shops and unused buildings in Bangor, and we believe we have a long term role in providing a rich and exciting alternative use for temporary spaces, providing a link between the High Street, the University and other more traditional art and performance organisations.
The group’s interests include all the creative arts, exploring non-traditional venues to create new audiences for art and performance. A number of different groups are responding in different ways to the cultural needs of Bangor, and this group will liaise with these and not duplicate their efforts. As well as filling empty shop windows Bangor Greadigol will work in partnership with existing businesses providing art works and entertainment in shops, cafés and public spaces..
The group will represent local and community producers of art and be inclusive, whilst at all times aiming for excellence and innovation.
Friends of Bangor GreadigolBangor Greadigol is currently unfunded and fully dependant on donations. For a donation of £5 or more, Friends will receive quarterly newsletters by Email, advance notice of new exhibitions, as well as invitations to any future events.